Revision 2.0

Compiled by Axel Kahlstorff with Francisco San Millan

This is the online version of The Alex Toth Index. It was originally done as a printed version for a few European fans, the print run usually in the one digit range.

As the basis we used information from all available sources:

Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr's Indispensable Index (The Mother of all Toth indices)
Glamour International #24
Robin Snyder's Alex Toth Bibliography (as serialized in The Comics)
The Underground and New Wave Price Guide
The Comic Book Index
Masters of Immagination
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guides
Comic Book Artist #12,13
Al Dellinges
Manuel Auad
Alex Toth himself

We checked all this data with the comics, books and magazines available to us. But make no mistake; this isn't just a paste-up job. Many entries have been rewritten to make descriptions clearer. We have added more depth simply by adding detail. (A good example is the documentation of the various editions of certain "Four Color One Shots")

And most importantly we've also added data of our own; a lot of the entries are brand new.
As a result we created the most complete and accurate Bibliography of Toth's work. But even so, this index is far from complete. Yet unknown works are waiting to be discovered, over the years it has become clear that the work of the Toth indexer is never done.

Thanks to WP Berres and Jean-Michel Blanc for additions and corrections. Their help is always welcome. That of course also goes for everybody else who provided help and will do so in the future. If you know of items I've missed don't hesitate to share your information with me. Additional information is always welcome so please write.