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The Alex Toth Gallery: from the late 40s to the mid 50s

What's so special about this art? read Notes to the Gallery

"The World is Ours" 1 pager from GIRLS LOVE #3 (dec-49)

"Dreamer's Return" a previously unknown romance story from SECRET HEARTS #6 (jul-50)

Secret Hearts #6 pg 11Secret Hearts #6 pg 22Secret Hearts #6 pg 33Secret Hearts #6 pg 44Secret Hearts #6 pg 55Secret Hearts #6 pg 66Secret Hearts #6 pg 77Secret Hearts #6 pg 88

"Toreador from Texas" from DANGER TRAIL #2 (sep-50)


Splash to "The Men Who Lived Forever" from MYSTERY IN SPACE #1 (apr-51)


"I Was King of the Moths" from SENSATION #108 (mar-52)

Sensation #108 pg 11Sensation #108 pg 22Sensation #108 pg 44Sensation #108 pg 55

Filler page from NEW ROMANCES #19 (dec-53). No so great, I admit.

Complete story from BOY LOVES GIRL #43 (feb-54)

Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 11Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 22Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 33Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 44Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 55Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 66Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 77Boy Loves Girl #43 pg 7 b&w7b&w

The legendary Crime and Punishment #66 (mar-54).
This is page 8 from the first story "War on the Streets"


Complete story from LOVERS #67 (may-55)